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12 sachets x 20g
HACCP, ISO, GMP, MESTI and Halal Certified
KKM.600-7/2/1 JLD.462 (47)

Feel Good, Feel Fresh

The best Goat and Camel’s Milk formula are designed, a vital part of the eating regimen of all youthful and old. It is fundamental for the correct development of the human body. It contains proteins, sugars, fats and natural minerals in the proportion in which they are required for the best possible improvement of the body

Potential Health Benefits of HI-GC MIK :

  • High in digestible protein.
  • May not provoke milk allergies
  • Managing cholesterol levels
  • Against gastrointestinal disorder
  • Beneficial for the immune System
  • Beneficial for diabetics
  • It helps in keeping the heart healthy
  • It can easily be added to your diet



Questions And Answers
  1. Q :

    What is Hi-GC MIK?

    A :

    Hi-GC MIK is the best Goat and Camel’s Milk formula are designed in a powder form, mixed with quality soy peptide, fundamental for the correct development of the human body

  2. Q :

    What are the characteristics of Hi-GC MIK?

    A :

    It contains proteins, sugars, fat and natural minerals can be consumed regularly. That nutrients were easily digested and used by body. It being good sources of protein for growth, bone-building calcium, it also can give you a boost of energy.

  3. Q :

    What are the health benefits of Hi-GC MIK?

    A :

    Potential Health Benefits of HI-GC MIK are as below:
    - High in Digestible Protein
    - May Not Provoke Milk Allergies
    - Managing Cholesterol Levels
    - Against Gastrointestinal disorder
    - Beneficial for the immune System
    - Beneficial for diabetics
    - It helps in keeping the heart healthy
    - It can easily be added to your diet

  4. Q :

    Is Hi-GC MIK suitable for children, pregnant women and those suffering from diabetes?

    A :

    Hi-GC MIK is good options for children above 7 years old and pregnant woman as it provides protein, fat and calcium. We advised to NOT feed to infants and children under 7 as underdeveloped kidneys may not be able to process it at this level. Those suffering from diabetes are advised to consume 1 cup daily.

  5. Q :

    Is Hi-GC MIK Halal Certified?

    A :

    Yes. The product is labelled halal by JAKIM in Malaysia. It was clean and safe to be consumed by Muslim.

  6. Q :

    Can I drink Hi-GC MIK on empty stomach? How much should I have a day?

    A :

    We recommended 200ml/half a cup on an empty stomach on waking or bedtime. But there really is no limit to how much you can drink a day.

  7. Q :

    Can I add Hi-GC MIK powder straight into tea instead?

    A :

    YES, it does give a different flavour and taste profile to the tea. Powdered milk is an ideal replacement of fresh milk because it has more vitamins and minerals, and can be easily mixed in drinks and shakes.

  8. Q :

    Can I add it straight into Bio Tech’s products - Hi-Coll Coffee or Bonetron?

    A :

    YES, it is a good choice for your health, and it is pleasant for the taste buds too.
